1/200 S2E92 - Joy Problems

The DNC Convention showcased the best of entertainment propaganda to run cover for US genocide complicity but they still couldn’t help themselves but reiterate their thirst for bloodshed. Closer to home lobbying and corruption accelerate in NZ under one of the most regressive governments we’ve ever had.

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Kyle Church
1/200 S2E89 - Boom Clap for Genocide

The National coalition government continues to decimate NZ’s public service and enact disastrous policy even as evidence and public opinion mount against them - we discuss the anti-democratic attack on Health services and the recently released Abuse in State Care report. Over in the US their genocide complicity has a fresh coat of paint in Kamala Harris, and liberals are flocking to the new campaign.

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1/200 S2E87 - Near Miss Congeniality

The ICJ has ruled the Israeli occupation of Palestine illegal. Donald Trump was shot at - what does this mean for the campaign and US politics. And what does a Trump/Vance ticket look like alongside increasingly misanthropic legislation - we look at the immense increase in anti-trans legislative attempts over the last few years.

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1/200 S2E86 - Here's Where the Tory Ends

UK Labour have won the 2024 General Election and we break down what happened, why and what this means for Labour and the left. What opportunities and risks does UK politics present over the next four years? And in the US the crisis of leadership continues as rumblings within the DNC about Biden increase, while his core supporters double-down on his run.

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1/200 S2E85 - Unmanaged Decline

Back for another week of current events we kick it off with the US Presidential debate then descend into Israel’s seeming insistence on turning their genocide into a war on multiple fronts. Julian Assange is free, but Kanaky Independence leaders have been taken prisoner and shipped to France. And in NZ the National coalition is increasingly cruel and unfettered by evidence or reality.

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1/200 S2E84 - Chaos Ferry

Another current events episode, another week where there’s too much happening. We talk NZ infrastructure failures, Ministers who seem to be the antithesis of their roles, Luxon gaffes, Sinophobia and US disinfo, and the continuing genocide in Gaza.

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1/200 S2E82 - The Longest Game in Town

Another week with too many big events - we cover a bunch of them with as much depth as we can cram into an hour and a half. We discuss Israeli atrocities in the Nuseirat Massacre, the mid-week EU elections, the politics of NZ infrastructure, and the destitute state of NZ media when it attempts reportage on China.

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1/200 S2E80 - Right-wing Drift

We discuss the train wreck of UK politics and how it’s indicative of right-wing reactionary drift in western democracies. The US is playing the same game as it continues supporting a genocide and implementing Trump-era policy under a Democratic president. And things aren’t much better here in Aotearoa, either.

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1/200 S2E78 - The Unbearable Rightness of Being

We discuss Trump’s guilty charges and what effect that will have on US politics, NZ’s “Budget Week’ and National’s broken promises to cancer patients, alongside the failure of Labour to capitalise on National Party inadequacy and rally the electorate. Meanwhile Te Pāti Māori have begun protest actions this week - how does that operate and why aren’t more people supporting them on the left? And how corrupt can National be before it comes back to bite them?

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1/200 S2E77 - Mingin' in the Rain

We try to fit as much of the week’s topics into a single episode, and fail miserably. Iran’s president died, John Key named in a civil suit, the bs being pushed by National about Kāinga Ora, Kanaky protests, the ICC and ICJ took action and the UK announced a snap election.

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1/200 S2E75 - Woke Food Nation

Whirlwind podcast trying to cover as much horrible stuff as possible - the National coalition’s war on kids continues with school lunch cuts, Luxon is swiftly coming unstuck as his coalition partners put him in bad situations, the US politics of genocide is horrific as always and why does the left have to stay so goddamn civil while our opponents lose their minds?

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1/200 S2E74 - Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction

We talk US college campuses and crackdowns on protest, the complicity of University administrations in authoritarian actions and how this looks in the NZ context. Josephine is recently back from India where national elections are just getting underway, we discuss democracy in the Global South. And Winston Peters is making a joke of NZ again with his recent comments about an Australian politician and AUKUS.

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