1/200 tackles the election in France, where an uninspiring, racist centrist is once more the only thing standing between a victory for the Far Right.
Read MoreThe 1/200 crew has taken a page out of Christopher Luxon's book and cut the crew to just two this week, for efficiency's sake. Philip and Branko discuss Luxon's blundering policy prescriptions and, speaking of things no one's thinking too much about, New Zealand's slow motion embroilment in the war in Ukraine.
Read MoreKyle is joined by First Union’s Ed Miller to discuss Fair Pay Agreements and some of the recent campaigns to support workers in NZ.
Read MorePhilip, Paul and Jan discuss numerous issues in the week gone - the latest NZ political polling, the resignation of MoH leadership, housing policy, the IPCC report and finally a hat-tip to the upcoming French elections.
Read MoreJustine, Philip and Kyle pay tribute to Moana Jackson, discuss the recent April 1 policy changes to NZ’s welfare state, the resignation of Louisa Wall, and whether we’ll see a change in direction from the Greens that will push Labour from the left.
Read MoreBranko and Kyle chat with Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March about recent 'cost of living’ coverage, what he sees as the fundamental issues, and what the Greens can offer to differentiate themselves electorally.
Read MoreKyle and Josephine talk neoliberal politics and ‘bottom feeder’ narratives, the changes to public health measures in NZ, and the lack of independence in NZ’s foreign policy - for both Covid and Ukraine.
Read MoreIt's just Kyle and Branko this week to talk about major events both near and far
Read MoreJustine, Kyle and Paul talk about recent political polling in NZ, the cost of living crisis and the recent report from the Commerce Commission into NZ’s supermarket industry.
Read MoreBranko and Paul chat with Grace Blakely about the global inflation crisis with a particular eye to the UK and NZ.
Read MoreJustine and Kyle talk with Dr Siouxsie Wiles about current public health measures, what to expect with Omicron surging in NZ, and what we could be doing better.
Read MoreBranko, Paul and Kyle re-visit discussions about the Wellington protest and analyse current issues with inflation and cost of living on the rise globally.
Read MoreJustine, Kyle and Branko chat about the current protests at NZ’s Parliament, minimum wage increases and support for our workers in the age of Covid.
Read MoreUkraine and the simmering tensions over it is one of the least understood and most propagandised international crises in recent history. To set the facts straight and explain what we need to know to understand the unfolding conflict, Volodymyr Ishchenko stopped by the 1/200 studios this week.
Read MorePandemic to the left of us, nuclear war to the right. With the world refusing to stop being embroiled in crisis for one bloody second, the 1 of 200 crew discuss the Labour government's omicron strategy, Ardern’s ‘expropriation’ of rapid tests, and the things you're probably not being told about the Ukraine crisis
Read More1/200 talks with Andrey Ivanov about economics, decision making, with specific reference to the Covid-19 pandemic both in NZ and abroad.
Read More1/200 talk rising inflation, critique the current narrative about costs, and discuss the incoming Omicron wave.
Read MoreKyle speaks with Rocket Lab Education Program Lead Felicity Powell about how we can approach the challenges an ongoing pandemic introduces for an already overwhelmed education system.
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