New Zealand is caught in the gyre of many crises, all of which reflect the inability of “free” markets to provide for the needs of either individuals or society as a whole. This malaise hangs over not just New Zealand, but the wider Western world.
Read More1 May 1889 was the first ever International Workers’ Day. For 134 years since, the labour movement across the globe has marked May Day through marches, parades and festivals, celebrating the power and solidarity of the working class of the world.
Read MoreANZAC day is frequently presented as a day of solemn reflection and contemplation of the horrors of war. But in 2022, one service was hijacked by so-called “Sovereign Citizens”, far right conspiracy theorists who believe that the only laws that apply to them are the ones that they consent to personally.
Read MoreOn Wednesday, 19 April 2023, the sister of Tangaraju s/o Suppia, a 46-year-old Tamil Singaporean, received a letter from the Singapore Prison Service: “Please be informed that the death sentence passed on your brother…will be carried out on 26 April 2023 (Wednesday)”.
Read MoreEarlier this week, Newsroom published a pro-AUKUS opinion piece, by Dr Reuben Steff of the University of Waikato. The limp case put forward by Steff - the kind of expert who informs foreign and defence ministers - can be refuted by a non-expert and a few quick google searches. Here’s what that looks like, tackling each of Steff’s paragraph’s one at a time.
Read MoreThe Vaccine Is Poison, Adult Human Female, Don’t Let Them Steal Your Country. I mean, a simple response to each claim is: No it isn’t, No that’s incorrect, and No, they aren’t. But let's dig a little bit deeper into each one, let's peel off the sticker and see exactly what the glue of these ideologies are made out of.
Read MoreIn the week where Posie Parker was touring Australia and then New Zealand, Aotearoa felt like it was having a sea change on transphobia. Suddenly the public was waking up to what some of us had been talking about for years—that the anti-trans movement is a fascist cause
Read MoreAusterity: the policy of cutting public spending during a time of crisis in order to “balance the books”. It is a dangerous idea with a dangerous history.
Read MoreWatching Kelly-Jane Keen Minshull head East in the last few weeks has been like a seeing stock truck coming down the highway towards you. It’s noisy and unavoidable, brings with it a brief portrait of miserable lives, and leaves behind it the stink of shit and desperation.
Read MorePrimary and secondary school teachers went on a mega-strike in 2019 during negotiations in which the Labour Government refused to pay teachers properly, address the teacher shortage, reduce class sizes, and invest enough money into our education system. Four years later, the situation is eerily familiar.
Read MoreThousands of people across the country marched last Friday as part of the Global Climate Strike. School students were joined by adults of every generation, demanding real action to address the greatest crisis of our time — a crisis that is getting very real, very quickly in Aotearoa.
Read MoreIn 2017, Jacinda Ardern declared that climate change was her generation's "nuclear free moment." This bold statement of intent spoke to the urgency of the crisis we face. But where were the policies and actions directed towards the polluting multinationals and nations determined to destroy our planet?
Read MoreBoth of these incidents involve the deliberate targeting of the LGBTQi community. You would have to work pretty hard to look at these two examples and say “ah ha, but actually this is the same thing”.
Read MoreClimate change is hitting Aotearoa with force. Tāmaki Makaurau experienced the worst flooding in its recorded history in January, before Cyclone Gabrielle devastated the North Island in February. 11 people were killed, 10,000 people have been displaced, and several people are still missing, with an estimated $13 billion worth of damage done.
Read MoreWayne Brown faced his first major test as Mayor of Auckland at the end of January, as the city faced the worst floods in its recorded history. He failed this test spectacularly.
Read MoreToday, Ardern is widely seen as a great success story, the very image of what a progressive, empathetic leader in the 21st Century should look like. Corbyn is near-universally maligned for the alleged crime of destroying the Labour Party and dooming the UK to seven more years of Tory rule. But is that fair?
Read MoreTraditional media, because it is such an immense machine for producing and spreading stories, tends to shape the news landscape in a way that we just can’t. If you get a story placed with enough outlets at the same time, it isn’t just ‘a story posted several times at once,’ it’s current events.
Read MoreAfter a rough couple of years, it’s an absolute relief that 2022 brought with it a full slate of movies, mostly unimpeded by COVID! If you look beyond the glut of Marvels, Jurassics and Minionses, it has been a solid year for cinema with really strong Hollywood and international blockbusters, decent Oscar hopefuls and some truly astounding arthouse and genre fare.
Read MoreRight now is precisely the time when the monarchy must be challenged. To cover up the normalisation of the new monarch and the arcane traditions associated with his ascension, the royalist establishment is required to weaponise the Queen’s death and the grief many ordinary people do genuinely feel.
Read MoreYimbyism can be problematic for the pro-housing left, especially those of us who are environmentalists as much as we are leftists.
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