Building and sustaining left-wing independent media organisations has always been, and will always be, a key strategic task for those of us working toward a socialist future
Read MoreIn order to move us past the realm of ambitious rhetoric and into transformative terrain, we must ground the GND conversation in analyses of power.
Read MoreOur Kiwi identity and shared culture is built from a legacy of travelers and explorers, going back one thousand years, and more, to when the ancestors of Māori left Hawaiki.
Read MoreAt some point, we may find that the economic consequences and social harm of elimination will prove too much for New Zealanders. Unemployment is already forecast to reach double figures. While there is a lot of goodwill and support for the government’s approach now, at some point this is going to subside.
Read MoreIt has quickly become obvious the economic impact of COVID-19 on the economy will be widespread and devastating. Governments around the world are responding to this crisis with economic stimulus packages designed to soften the blow of the pandemic.
Read MoreWhile reporters are right to argue that the unprecedented emergency powers of the state require serious scrutiny and that this is of huge public interest, it seems unrealistic that a news-making process that is highly adapted to support partisan shit-flinging and horse race coverage is fit for purpose in this new information environment.
Read MoreThere is a major substantive difference between shutting down and locking down, a difference elided by much of the debate about going to Level 4.
Read MoreA state-owned electricity network is possible, and is a crucial part of future-proofing our economy while protecting the dignity of our communities.
Read MoreIn response to the devastating economic conditions wrought by COVID-19, New Zealand’s government has announced a fiscal stimulus package of ambition, surpassing that of other governments (e.g. Australia), and indeed surpassing the ambition of New Zealand governments for decades. Regardless, it falls short of a ‘new social contract’… Labour have an opportunity to change Aotearoa's trajectory over the coming years, by dealing with the issue of student debt.
Read MoreWhile Bridges’ personal support languishes behind that of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, National continues to poll higher than Labour. It is clear that a significant number of New Zealanders would vote for party over leader.
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